Advisory to California Water Agencies Regarding White House Executive Order on Water Regulations

Advisory to California Water Agencies Regarding White House Executive Order on Water Regulations

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

In light of the White House Executive Order on the Environmental Protection Agency review of Obama-era water regulations, we are recommending that California water agencies make a declarative statement about adhering to and maintaining stringent water quality standards.

This advice is in no way meant to be a value judgement on the President’s action. Nor do we expect that the Executive Order necessarily directly impacts drinking water in your community. The media however, is presenting the issue as if water quality will suffer broadly under these new rules. And that is precisely why we are recommending getting out in front of the issue.

Polling and other opinion research we have performed for water districts throughout the state, shows that ratepayers trust their local water districts and have high confidence in their water quality. It is important to protect this positive public perception.


Examples of today’s news headlines:

CNN: Trump to sign order reviewing EPA water rule

NY Times: Trump Plans to Begin E.P.A. Rollback With Order on Clean Water

The Verge: Trump signs executive order to roll back clean water rule – The rule gives protection to 60 percent of the US’s bodies of water

NBC News: Trump Signs Executive Order to Begin Water Rule Rollback


With offices in Newport Beach and San Francisco, Probolsky Research conducts polling, focus groups and other opinion research for public agencies.


Link to Advisory:

Advisory to California Water Agencies Regarding White House Executive Order on Water Regulations


LA Measure S Likely to Lose, Garcetti Job Approval High

Probolsky Research conducted a poll of likely March 7, City of Los Angeles Voters – the results show that Measure S is likely to fail. Also, Mayor Eric Garcetti has high job approval marks.

The presentation can be found here:

March Election – Probolsky – City of Los Angeles Likely Voter TRACKING Survey – Presentation


The full report on results can be found here:

City of Los Angeles Likely Voter Survey – Full Report



From Thursday, February 16 through Sunday, February 19, 2017 Probolsky Research conducted a telephone survey of likely voters within the City of Los Angeles.

A total of 300 voters were surveyed. A survey of this size yields a margin of error of +/-5.8% with a confidence level of 95%. Interviews were conducted with voters on both landline and mobile phones (46% were completed on mobile phones) and were offered in English and Spanish languages.

Our sample was developed from voter files originally compiled by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder. Probolsky Research applies a stratified random sampling methodology to our sample design. In other words, we ensure that the demographic proportions of survey respondents match the demographic composition of the universe being researched.

Probolsky Research specializes in opinion research on behalf of business, government, non-profit and special interest clients.

Probolsky on Campaigns and Elections Panel: Is Political Polling Truly Broken

Probolsky Research president, Adam Probolsky’s presentation can be found at this link:

Probolsky Research – CandE Presentation 2017


It’s the News Media’s Job to Fact-Check Politicians, Report When They Lie

The new Probolsky Research national poll shows that the American People believe it is the responsibility of the news media to fact-check politicians and report when they lie.

Thirteen percent disagree.

Link to infographic:


Probolsky Research surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults living in the United States. Telephone interviews were conducted by landline and mobile phone (500). The survey was offered in both English and Spanish (43 respondents chose to complete the survey in Spanish) and conducted from February 2 – 5, 2017. Statistical results are weighted to compensate for demographic discrepancies. We utilize rounding to bring aggregate responses to 100% for presentation purposes. The margin of error for this survey is +/-3.9%.


Probolsky Research conducts opinion research on behalf of business, government, media, non-profit, and special interest clients. Adam Probolsky is CEO of Probolsky Research.

Majority of Americans Believe 1M Manufacturing Jobs Will Return Under Trump

The new Probolsky Research national poll shows that a majority (55%) of Americans expect one million manufacturing jobs to return to the U.S. during the Trump Presidency.

And 41% say its not likely that these jobs will come back.

Link to infographic:


Probolsky Research surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults living in the United States. Telephone interviews were conducted by landline and mobile phone (500). The survey was offered in both English and Spanish (43 respondents chose to complete the survey in Spanish) and conducted from February 2 – 5, 2017. Statistical results are weighted to compensate for demographic discrepancies. We utilize rounding to bring aggregate responses to 100% for presentation purposes. The margin of error for this survey is +/-3.9%.


Probolsky Research conducts opinion research on behalf of business, government, media, non-profit, and special interest clients. Adam Probolsky is CEO of Probolsky Research.

36% of Americans: U.S. Could Break Down and Cease to Exist as We Know it

Most Americans do not believe the country will end during President Trumps time in office. But 36% say it is likely that the U.S. will break down and cease to exist as we know it.

Link to infographic:


Probolsky Research surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults living in the United States. Telephone interviews were conducted by landline and mobile phone (500). The survey was offered in both English and Spanish (43 respondents chose to complete the survey in Spanish) and conducted from February 2 – 5, 2017. Statistical results are weighted to compensate for demographic discrepancies. We utilize rounding to bring aggregate responses to 100% for presentation purposes. The margin of error for this survey is +/-3.9%.


Probolsky Research conducts opinion research on behalf of business, government, media, non-profit, and special interest clients. Adam Probolsky is CEO of Probolsky Research.

Majority: It is Inappropriate for President Trump to Criticize Individual Companies

The new national poll by Probolsky Research shows that a majority (52%) of Americans say it is inappropriate for the President to single out companies for moving jobs out of the country and to publicly criticize them.

However, 40% say it is appropriate.

Link to infographic:


Probolsky Research surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults living in the United States. Telephone interviews were conducted by landline and mobile phone (500). The survey was offered in both English and Spanish (43 respondents chose to complete the survey in Spanish) and conducted from February 2 – 5, 2017. Statistical results are weighted to compensate for demographic discrepancies. We utilize rounding to bring aggregate responses to 100% for presentation purposes. The margin of error for this survey is +/-3.9%.


Probolsky Research conducts opinion research on behalf of business, government, media, non-profit, and special interest clients. Adam Probolsky is CEO of Probolsky Research.

Over 60% of Americans Oppose a Border Tax on Mexican Goods to Fund a Wall

Our new national poll shows that 62% of Americans oppose a 20% tax on products imported from Mexico – funds that would pay for President Trumps proposed border wall.

Just shy of one-third of Americans support such a border tax.

Link to infographic:


Probolsky Research surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults living in the United States. Telephone interviews were conducted by landline and mobile phone (500). The survey was offered in both English and Spanish (43 respondents chose to complete the survey in Spanish) and conducted from February 2 – 5, 2017. Statistical results are weighted to compensate for demographic discrepancies. We utilize rounding to bring aggregate responses to 100% for presentation purposes. The margin of error for this survey is +/-3.9%.


Probolsky Research conducts opinion research on behalf of business, government, media, non-profit, and special interest clients. Adam Probolsky is CEO of Probolsky Research.

Opinion Research in Action: Upgraded Electric Transmission Lines Approved by PUC

Here is another great example of how polling and focus groups play an important role in the process of understanding communities and building support for large-scale infrastructure projects. In this case, the South Orange County Reliability Enhancement (SOCRE) project.

Probolsky Research worked on this project, conducting focus groups and polling to help identify the community’s understanding of the issue, their hopes and needs. This included multi-lingual research, testing visuals and complex concepts.

“The polling and focus groups you facilitated was the foundation of our outreach effort. Understanding community values was key to our messaging.” -Duane Cave, External Relations Manager – San Diego Gas & Electric

San Diego Business Journal article:

The project wrap-up by SDGE: