NRA Losing Ground Among Younger Members Who Support Banning Semi-automatic AR-15 Rifles

In the wake of the Parkland, Florida school attack last week, we launched a national poll to identify the sentiments of NRA members and those living in a household with an NRA member. The results suggest a shift among younger NRA members. While overall 57% of NRA members say they oppose banning AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, that number is just 38% among 18-24 year old’s in NRA households.

Combining support for the ban and those who are unsure in this age category totals 62%. While pro-gun American households are clearly against further controls on assault-style weapons, even in the face of seventeen deaths at the hand of a teen with this type of gun at a high school in Florida, there is a demographic shift coming.

These numbers suggest that the NRA is losing the battle among younger American gun owners and those living in member households.

Watch the media make celebrities out the student survivors of the Parkland attack. This trend will likely continue and make it harder to politicians to ignore their plea for change.

Some notes about methodology: We surveyed 3,192 U.S. adults in an online poll from February 14 -17, 2018. The overall margin of error is +/-1.8%. Among all respondents, 12% self-identified as NRA members or living in a household with an NRA member. We asked those 12% how they felt about banning the sale of assault-style weapons like the AR-15. We did not ask about making them illegal to possess – just about the sale of these guns.

Debut of our First National Public Listening Tool™ Among Voters: Watch and Listen

The Probolsky Research Public Listening Tool™ is unique in that it not only affords us the chance to hear how voters talk about a subject matter, but it also gives us the opportunity to learn how they relate to it.

In this episode, you can watch and listen to U.S. voters from across the country discuss President Trump’s proposed military parade in DC.

We clearly note each respondents political party, their position on the military parade, and where they live.

Just 25% of Americans Support a Military Parade in Washington DC

Our latest national online poll of adults shows most Americans are either opposed to, or unsure about, whether they support the President’s proposal to have a military parade in our nation’s capital. Just 25% say they support the parade.

We debut our first national Public Listening Tool™ research on this subject in this post. You can listen to real Americans explain their position on why they support or oppose the parade here.


One-third of Americans Say NO! to Political Consultants in the Family

Are political consultants so reviled that families will shun their children that choose the profession? It turns out yes, some will, but more would say, “congratulations.”

This week we feature the results of a new survey. We asked U.S. adults: “If your child or someone close to you became a , how would you react?”

Older Americans 65+ are most likely to congratulate their kinfolk upon becoming a political consultant. We didn’t ask why, but we suspect it’s because they are just happy they have a job.

So go ahead and join the ranks of the feast and famine class. Join with caution however, since there is a big risk of being shunned, but a better chance you will get a pat on the back, especially from grandma and grandpa.

On the bright side, a full 1/4 of Americans don’t know what a political consultant is, so you can tell them it is a kind of engineer, or psychologist.

This online survey of 1,024 U.S. adults was conducted from February 2-5, 2018 and has a margin of error of +/-3.2%.