Entries by Probolsky Research

Vaping Ban Here to Stay in San Francisco

The attempt by e-cigarette company Juul to overturn San Francisco’s ban on the sale of e-cigarettes – Measure C – will fail in November according to our new poll. We are releasing these poll results for public interest. We do not have a client on this measure. Probolsky Research is a Latina and woman owned, […]

[Probolsky Research featured] Gavin Newsom reveals plan for California DMV. Why he warns of longer wait times

Gavin Newsom reveals plan for California DMV. Why he warns of longer wait times July 23, 2019 by Bryan Anderson https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article233014987.html Things could get worse before they get better at California’s Department of Motor Vehicles, according to a new report Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office released Tuesday. As many as 28.2 million Californians could request a […]

Low Turnout Could Sink Measure EE

 Low Turnout Could Sink Measure EE Key indicators suggest success is possible in a higher turnout scenario UPDATE: Measure EE failed, pretty remarkably. Our research revealed something that does not normally happen in polling, but when it does, we do more discovery work to find out why. Watch Adam Probolsky explain: Probolsky Research conducted a poll […]

Should Cities and Counties Face Punishment For Not Allowing New Housing?

Many parts of California are experiencing housing shortages and a serious lack of affordable housing. We queried California voters on whether cities and counties should face punishment for holding back on rezoning properties suitable for housing to allow for more densely populated development. While we have seen pushback against new housing by residents in communities that […]