
Prop. 6 “Gas Tax Repeal” Failing

We included Proposition 6 on our latest statewide poll. We conducted this poll and present these results for public interest purposes. We had no client on this measure.

Proposition 6 is on track to fail in November.

Our latest polling shows 48% of voters oppose the measure when presented with the title they will read on their ballots.

Fewer than 60% of Republican voters support the gas tax repeal.

It is important to point out the obvious, that the ballot title does not say, “repeal the gas tax” which is how the opposition is presenting their message. As the voter contact campaign kicks into gear, we expect changes in the numbers.


Voters Are Mixed on Proposed Gas Tax Repeal in Circulation

The results of our latest poll show voters are mixed on the the gas tax repeal initiative being circulated now.

The results show a divided electorate and almost no majority support or opposition among any demographics, geography or vote propensity.

In order to get the widest possible view of the possible November election, we polled among all California voters.

Probolsky Research has no client related to the proposed gas tax repeal initiative and this poll was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. We are releasing this data for public-interest purposes only.

The poll presentation can be found here: